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Cat Care | Household Dangers

Household Dangers for Cats

Cat-proofing your house is similar to when a new parent child-proofs their house. Cats are naturally curious and adventurous and can easily make their way into harmful situations without knowing. It’s up to you to make sure anything dangerous for them is out of reach and that your home is a safe haven. The following guide will ensure your cat lives a happy, healthy life in your home:

In General:

  • Screen windows to guard against potential falls.
  • Don’t let young cats out on balconies, porches, or high decks.
  • Many common house plants, including dieffenbachia, elephant ear, spider plants and others are poisonous to cats. Remove them or put them out of reach in hanging baskets.
  • Kittens love to chew on things, so unplug or cover electrical wires.
  • Don’t leave a kitten in a room alone where there is fire or a space heater unattended.
  • Plastic bags might be fun to play with but are a choking hazard. Keep them out of reach.
  • If your cat can put something in its mouth, it probably will. Don’t leave small, sharp or easily swallowed objects lying around.

In the Garage:

  • Cats enjoy napping under cars, so before you leave, be sure to check under your cat, your wheel wells, or honk your horn to make sure your cat will be unharmed.
  • Both cats and dogs enjoy the smell and taste of antifreeze. Ensure this chemical is sealed and out of reach.
  • Paint, gasoline, and other dangerous chemicals should be stored in sheds or storage lockers.

In the Kitchen, Laundry Room & Bathroom:

  • Never leave burners or irons unattended.
  • Bleach and ammonia must be stored out of reach from your cat.
  • Close dishwashers and dryer lids, your pet can climb in and become trapped.
  • Keep toilet lids down, kittens especially can drown if they fall in.
  • Medicines, shampoo, suntan locations and other personal care items are filled with harmful chemicals. Make sure they cannot access them.

In the Yard:

  • Outdoor plants, much like indoor plants, can contain poisonous chemicals, like those found in poison ivy and oleander.
  • Keep cats away from lawns treated with chemicals for weeds.
  • Store garden tools and chemicals securely in locked garden sheds.
  • Cover swimming pools, hot tubs, and ponds, because your cat can fall in.

Avoiding Disaster:

  • Some seemingly harmless objects like yarn, string, rubber bands, and aluminum foil can be extremely harmful if swallowed.
  • Cats love to sleep in warm, dark places, so close any drawers, closets or trucks in case your cat becomes trapped there.
  • Store garden tools and chemicals securely in locked garden sheds.
  • Don’t ever tie or place anything around your cat’s head.