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Famous Dogs

Famous Dogs

Famous Dogs As a Calgary dog veterinarian clinic, we love all breeds of dogs and cats. We strive to be the best vet in Calgary, and while the work we do is serious, we thought we’d have some fun today on the blog. Today we’ve decided to take a look at some of the...
How to Bathe a Cat

How to Bathe a Cat

How to Bathe a Cat Compared to their non-domesticated brothers and sisters in the wild, cats stay clear of being exposed to water in the home. Cats don’t actually need to be bathed all that often, as they groom themselves naturally. Just regular brushing is typically...
What Can Dogs Not Eat?

What Can Dogs Not Eat?

What Can Dogs Not Eat? It’s well known that dogs love to explore the world around them with their mouths. As many dog owners know, not everything they put in their mouth is good for them, and often what we take for granted can be extremely harmful to our furry family...
Exotic Pets You Can Own Today!

Exotic Pets You Can Own Today!

Exotic Pets You Can Own Today! For those looking for a bit more variety in their household, these exotic pets won’t disappoint! It’s estimated that over 20 million Americans own exotic pets, with popularity for these sometime surprising pets growing over recent years....